You may be seeking help because of an upsetting event in your life, or you may have struggled with a particular issue for a long time. I'll listen carefully to your thoughts and feelings and help you reach a place of greater understanding, healing, and growth so that you can lead a more satisfying life.
We experience conflict when we disavow certain feelings or aspects of ourselves. One result is that we may work at cross-purposes with ourselves. It's like driving a car with one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. We may eventually get somewhere, but not without a lot of unnecessary friction and wear and tear.
Life can be very difficult at times, and a skilled, experienced, and caring therapist who listens and understands can be very important in helping with the changes that life sometimes requires of us. I can help you overcome your struggles and feel more calm, clear, and confident. Get in touch and we'll discuss what you need and how I can help.
"I feel like I've gotten my life back again." - KT
"You have been a wonderful and patient therapist during each of our sessions. Thank you." - MG
"I wouldn't be where I am today without your help. You've definitely set me on a great path, and for that I will always be grateful." - RL