Big Apple Counseling
Overcome Your Struggles

Frequently Asked Questions about NYC Therapy

How long will it take for me to feel better?

Every person and situation is different. Some people feel better quickly while others choose to stay in therapy longer, either because they face greater challenges or because they want to increase their strengths and capabilities.


It's my first time seeking counseling and I'm nervous!

It's normal to be apprehensive or nervous when seeing a therapist for the first time, but you'll see that it's just you and I talking and looking at ways to understand your situation and help ease your struggles. As we get to know each other our sessions will become more comfortable and familiar.


Does therapy mean delving into my past?

Sometimes. Our past experiences make us who we are today. So in a sense, when we work on ourselves we are always taking into account the past. As the novelist William Faulkner wrote, "The past is never dead. It's not even past." But understanding the effects of our past is only part of the process. The other is for you to build new strengths and move into a new space of possibilities for your present and future. Therapy helps you live the life you hope for, a life more vital and joyful, to be the person you want to be.


What is your fee?

My fee changes occasionally, so please contact me to discuss. I offer a sliding scale for those who need it.

Do you take insurance?

I do not accept insurance, but your health insurance may reimburse you for therapy expenses. Please see my insurance information page here.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Zelle (a payment app offered by most major banks) is my preferred payment method.

Do you offer online therapy?

Yes, I offer virtual sessions as well as in-person sessions at 40 West 13th Street in Manhattan.