Unconscious Fantasies as Defense Mechanisms
"Is it possible to demonstrate other ways in which unconscious fantasy
contributes to the function of defense? Clinical practice indicates that the
answer to this question is affirmative. It is not possible, however, to say that
all defense mechanisms are mediated through unconscious fantasy. The use of
fantasy in defense was described by Anna Freud in connection with the
mechanism of denial in fantasy (22). Defensive uses of identification,
undoing, and denial are readily incorporated into unconscious fantasies. One
of the best known of fantasies, a fantasy which is oriented almost exclusively
toward the ego function of fending off anxiety, is the unconscious
conceptualization of the woman with a phallus. Although this fantasy serves
as the essential condition for sexual gratification of the fetishist, the fantasy
itself is primarily defensive in nature. The function of this particular fantasy is
to reassure the subject against castration anxiety. It was in discussing this
phenomenon that Freud described the split of the ego in the defensive process
(33). He was referring to the contradiction between the accurate conscious
conceptualization of the female anatomy as opposed to the unconscious
concept which in fantasy endows the woman with a phallus. What the fetishist
perceives in reality, he denies in fantasy. Certainly this demonstrates that
unconscious fantasy may involve definite visual and verbal concepts. The
fantasy of the phallic woman is a specific example of denial in unconscious
fantasy and it is a common feature of many clinical entities, e.g., voyeurism,
exhibitionism, transvestitism, some forms of homosexuality, and some special
types of object choice in men..">
-- from Unconscious Fantasy and Disturbances of Conscious
Experience, by J. Arlow.